Griffiths, Martha Wright

Griffiths, Martha Wright

Throughout her career – as state legislator, judge, Congresswoman, practicing attorney and Michigan’s first woman lieutenant governor – Martha Griffiths fought and won important victories for equal rights for women and minorities. Griffiths’ first try for public...
East, Catherine

East, Catherine

The woman Betty Friedan described as “the midwife to the contemporary women’s movement” spent many years working for the federal government, and it was from this position that much of East’s invaluable data and strategic thinking came to the...
Eastman, Crystal

Eastman, Crystal

Crystal Eastman, co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, struggled throughout her life for equal rights and civil liberties for all. Acquiring her law degree from New York University in 1907, Eastman was one of only a few hundred women lawyers in the early...
Ferraro, Geraldine

Ferraro, Geraldine

Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman nominated by a major political party as its candidate for Vice President of the United States. A teacher and then attorney, Ferraro worked in the Queens, New York District Attorney’s office, where she started the Special...

High School+ Educational Resources

High School+ Educational Resources PODCASTS Womanica Thinking back to our history classes growing up, we had one question: Where the ladies at? Enter, Womanica. In just 5 minutes a day, learn about different incredible women from throughout history. On Wonder Media...