Thank you to our Induction 2024 donors and sponsors!

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the National Women’s Hall of Fame welcomed its 31st class of Inductees in a moving and inspiring Ceremony worthy of our Inductees’ achievements.  

Our heartfelt congratulations to the following women for their Induction into the National Women’s Hall of Fame: Patricia Bath, Ruby Bridges, Elouise Cobell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Peggy McIntosh, Judith Plaskow, Loretta Ross, Sandy Stone, Anna Wessels Williams, and Serena Williams.  

Also worthy and deserving of celebration? YOU!! 

That’s right—over 400 individuals, foundations, and companies came together to support the 31st Induction Ceremony.  

To the donors who have been with us for years and to the donors who joined us for the first time in this endeavor—thank you for your unwavering loyalty and support of women’s stories. You inspire and remind us each day that storytelling, education, and inspiration are necessary in the campaign against gender inequality.  

In a nation where less than two percent (<2%) of all donated funds go to support women’s and girls’ organizations like the National Women’s Hall of Fame, thank you for being a part of our journey to move the needle towards gender equity. 


*The following donors made gifts between September 1, 2023 and January 15, 2024.  



Induction Ceremony Partners 


Indra (2021 Inductee) & Raj Nooyi | King & Spalding LLP | The Robertson Family Fund | Roger G. Schwartz


Elizabeth & Stephen Fantone | LeChase Construction | Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation 


Abigail Riggs | Billie Jean King (1990 Inductee) | Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. | CCS Fundraising | Girls Who Invest | Hasbro, Inc. | Marianne & David O’Connor | Province | Northeast College of Health Sciences | Rebecca & Herb Holden | The Estée Lauder Companies | The Harnisch Foundation | Vault Communications | Victoria Jackson (2017 Inductee)

Friends of the Hall

American Academy of Religion | Association of Junior Leagues International | Community Education Group | del Lago Resort & Casino | GoNetSpeed | ITT, Inc. | Monarch Private Capital | Province | WERSTEM | Women on $20s

The 1848 Society  

Click here to learn more about the Hall’s membership opportunities. Every gift makes a difference and helps to write women’s stories back into history! 

Executive Members 

Billie Jean King (1990 Inductee) | Indra (2021 Inductee) and Raj Nooyi | Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation | Marianne+ and David O’Connor | Mary Ellen and Ezra Oyer | Rebecca and Herb Holden | Roger G. Schwartz+ | Susan Souhan | The Robertson Family Fund+ | Victoria Jackson (2017 Inductee) 

Premium Members 

Anjana Samant+ | Ann and Stephen+ Martin | Betty M. Bayer+ and Susan Henking | Carol E. Scott+ | Daniel Moses | Dawn Good Elk and Reuben Auspitz | Devon Cohn | Dorothy Condon | Elisa Siegel+ | Elizabeth+ and Steve Fantone | Ginny Corsi | Gretchen and Peter Koch | Jean Kilbourne (2015 Inductee)+ | Jeanine Hayes+ | Jeanne+ and Richard Giovannini | Joyce A. Nicholson | Kathrine Switzer (2011 Inductee) | Kathryn L. Korol | Mary Ellen and Robert+ Kernan | Mridula Raman+ | Nancy Neal | Nannette Nocon | Pamela and Neal Sherman | Rebecca Halstead (2021 Inductee) | Reenie and Stan Feingold | Richard Plympton | Rita N. Brock+ | Sally Webster | Sasikala and Rajagopalan Raman | Sharon John | Sharon Stiller | Sujatha Ramanujan+ | Susan and Robert Gabriel | Tricia Fitzmaurice+

Sustaining Members 

Alissa Rupp | Allison Hogue | Ann Marie Sandroni | Anne and James Ryan | Anne-Marie Fitzgerald | Barbara and Paul Eshelman | Barbara Holdridge (2001 Inductee) | Betsy East and Elizabeth Bixler | Betsy Ritz | Carlotta Walls LaNier (2015 Inductee) | Carol Crossed | Cassandra and Glenn Galbreath | Catherine Collier | Chad Stark | Christina and Nicolas Ganzon | Cindy Domecus | Claire and Richard Damaske | Constance Holmes | Corina Scoggins | Dawn Santiago-Marullo | Donald Golini | Doreen Lockwood DeCamp | Duncan T. Moore | Edith Wacksman | Elizabeth K. Gazley | Frances and Lemoine Peart Family Fund | Frances Howell | Fred Risser | Ginny+ and Frank DeJohn | Helen D. Haller | Helen Perl | Isabelle and Joseph Kelley | Jannick Rolland-Thompson | Jeanne B. Driscoll | Jeffrey Dutson | Jennifer Elizabeth Jay | Jennifer S. Gabriel | Joan Butcher | Joan Grela | John C. Ninfo | John D. Robbins Charitable Fund | Karen Uplinger | Kate Bennet and Wayne Hermanson | Kate Konzen | Kathy and Ted Nixon | Kay L. Sinclair | Kelly Kotewa and Patrick McGranahan | Leslie Kimerling | Linda and Thomas Kirchman | Linda Eastman | Linda McGinley | Lynn Roberts | Marda Buchholz | Maredith Dale and Ronald Steen | Marilee Eaves | Martha Warren and Peter Clark | Mary Ann Fastook | Mary Licking | Mary Lou Kennedy | Maryann Barry | Matt Salpietro | Matthew Holman | Melanie Hotham | Melina Carnicelli | Melissa Eastman | Michael Andrews | Michelle Luvisi | Nancy Backhurst | Nancy D. Hessler | Nancy M. Rutz | Nannerl Keohane (1995 Inductee) | Pam J. Hyland | Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation | Patricia R. Black | Peg D. Marcus | Peggy McIntosh (2024 Inductee) | Sarah Liebschutz | Sheila Giovannini and Leonard DeRenzo | Sheila K. Bennett | Sherry Lansing (2017 Inductee) | Shirley Hartley | Sue Whan | Susan and David Quade | Susan Bailey | Susan Buchser Lochocki | Susan Houde-Walter | Tenley Albright (2015 Inductee) | Teresa E. McAlonie | Terry Taney | The Greenberg Foundation | Timothy Fesenmeyer | Wayne County Community Fund | William Jones 


*Contributions received between 1/1/23-1/30/24 

+National Women’s Hall of Fame Board Member