
We are delighted to honor these special women who have inspired, loved and made us and our little corner of the world a better place.

Alicia C. Arn
Kathleen Bancroft (In Memory)
Jo Bero
Agnes Bonafiglia
Dr. Gloria Cohen
Mrs. Delia F. Comer (In Memory)
Janet Coomes
Carol F. Davison (In Memory)
Jeanne Giovannini
Christina Ann Hamilton
Dorothy Jackson
Leanne Jewett
Virginia Johnson
Helena (Lena) Barkley Jones
Hon. Patricia Juliano
Jeri C. Kaskoun
Mrs. Ann DeRight Keeley
Anastasia S. Kline (In Memory)
Mrs. Bennie C. Lee (In Memory)
Carolyn Long (In Memory)

Claudia Lux
Dorothy Mangano
Joyce Marianacci (In Memory)

Frances M. Peart (In Memory)
Frieda Pipher (In Memory)

Eileen Reilly (In Memory)
Florence Scalzo (In Memory)
Patricia G. Van Bortel
Lois Hatch Deimel Washburn (In Memory)
Lisa R. Zehr